Professional Community


This extension should add a number of UI and functional features to Burp Suite to make working with it easier.

Current Features

  • Making main tools' tabs more distinguishable by choosing a theme
  • Ability to control style of sub-tabs in Repeater and Intruder
  • Ability to change Burp Suite title and its icon
  • Copy & pasting style ability for Repeater and Intruder tabs
  • Pasting style for Repeater and Intruder tabs when their title matches a Regular Expression
  • Copy & pasting titles by creating unique titles by adding a number in the end
  • Rename titles without a need to double-click on the title
  • Jump to first and last tabs in Repeater and Intruder
  • Back and Forward feature depends on the previously selected tabs
  • Finding Repeater and Intruder tabs when their title matches a Regular Expression
  • Scrollable main tool tabs
  • Scrollable Repeater and Intruder tabs
  • Taking screenshot of repeater or intruder tabs
  • Trimming long titles into 100 characters
  • Show previously chosen titles for a tab
  • Several keyboard shortcuts to make the tab navigation easier
  • Support for PwnFox Firefox extension highlighter
  • Ability to save the last size and position of Burp Suite to move it to the same location next time
  • Ability to detect off-screen Burp Suite window to bring it to the centre

Usage Tips

  • You can use the following key combination(s) in Repeater and Intruder sub-tab menu:
    Description Combinations/Shortcuts
    Show Context Menu for Repeater and Intruder Tabs Mouse Middle-Click
    Alt + Any Mouse Key
    Down Arrow
    Ctrl + Enter
    Ctrl + Shift +Enter
    Find Tabs for Repeater and Intruder Tab Ctrl + Shift + F
    Find Next F3
    Ctrl + F3
    Find Previous Shift + F3
    Ctrl + Shift + F3
    Jump to the First Tab Home
    Ctrl + Shift + Home
    Jump to the last Tab End
    Ctrl + Shift + End
    Previous Tab Left Arrow
    Ctrl + Shift + Left
    Next Tab Right Arrow
    Ctrl + Shift + Right
    Mouse Wheel
    Back (Previously Selected Tab) Alt + Left
    Ctrl + Alt + Left
    Mouse Wheel
    Forward Alt + Right
    Ctrl + Alt + Right
    Copy Subtab Title Ctrl + C
    Ctrl + Shift + C
    Paste Subtab Title Ctrl + V
    Ctrl + Shift + V
    Rename Subtab Title F2
    Ctrl + F2
    Increase Font Size Ctrl + Mouse Wheel
    Increase Font Size & Bold Middle Click + CTRL
    Decrease Font Size & Bold Middle Click + CTRL + SHIFT
    Big & Red & Bold Middle Click + SHIFT

  • You can use the following key combination(s) on the main window frame:
    Description Combinations/Shortcuts
    Move Burp Suite Window to the centre of the Screen Ctrl + Alt + C

  • After setting style on a sub-tab, setting the same title on another sub-tab will copy its style
  • Alt + Any Mouse Click works on empty parts of the tabs which do not contain any text
  • Use the Debug option in Global Settings if you are reporting a bug or if you want to see what is happening
  • Check the extension's GitHub repository rather than BApp Store for the latest updates
  • A sample of icons should also be accessible in the repository


  • This extension only supports Burp Suite with Montoya API 1.0 and above. The minimum Burp Suite version to use this extension is 2023.1.
  • This extension has been tested against the latest pro version which was 2023.1 at the time of writing this document. It should however be also compatible with the community edition.



Soroush Dalili








Last updated

Last updated

19 September 2023

Estimated system impact

Estimated system impact

Overall impact: Low


You can install BApps directly within Burp, via the BApp Store feature in the Burp Extender tool. You can also download them from here, for offline installation into Burp.

You can view the source code for all BApp Store extensions on our GitHub page.

Follow @BApp_Store on Twitter to receive notifications of all BApp releases and updates.

Please note that extensions are written by third party users of Burp, and PortSwigger Web Security makes no warranty about their quality or usefulness for any particular purpose.

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Please note that extensions are written by third party users of Burp, and PortSwigger Web Security makes no warranty about their quality or usefulness for any particular purpose.