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SQL injection

This learning path teaches you how to find and exploit SQL injection, a classic vulnerability responsible for many high-profile data breaches. This path is suitable regardless of whether you're completely new to SQL injection or want to improve your existing knowledge and skills.


Get started: What is SQL injection (SQLi)?

0 of 51


What is SQL injection? 0 of 1

How to detect SQL injection vulnerabilities 0 of 2

Retrieving hidden data 0 of 3

Subverting application logic 0 of 2

SQL injection UNION attacks 0 of 2

Determining the number of columns required 0 of 4

Finding columns with a useful data type 0 of 2

Using a SQL injection UNION attack to retrieve interesting data 0 of 2

Retrieving multiple values within a single column 0 of 2

Examining the database 0 of 5

Blind SQL injection 0 of 2

Exploiting blind SQL injection by triggering conditional responses 0 of 4

Error-based SQL injection 0 of 7

Exploiting blind SQL injection by triggering time delays 0 of 3

Exploiting blind SQL injection using out-of-band (OAST) techniques 0 of 5

SQL injection in different contexts 0 of 2

Second-order SQL injection 0 of 1

How to prevent SQL injection 0 of 2